2.4. Sample Solutions | Live on 4th February 2024
1. Theme : Gender Equality
Problem statement : Developing a project that addresses the challenge of effectively raising awareness and fostering equality among individuals of diverse gender, race, and color. Solution: Click Here
2. Theme : Responsible Consumption and Production
Problem statement : Developing a project to suggest effective strategies for encouraging individuals and communities to reduce their food waste and increase their food sustainability.
Solution: Click Here
3. Theme : Quality Education
Problem statement : Developing a project explaining the integration of coding education in the school curriculum positively impacting the development of critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and future career opportunities for students in the digital age.
Solution: Click Here
4. Theme : Quality Education
Problem statement : Developing a project explaining the impact of bullying in schools on not only the victims but also the witnesses, teachers, and wider school community, and what can be done to prevent and address bullying in a comprehensive and effective manner.
Solution: Click Here